Treatment Overview
What is spinal surgery?
Spinal surgery is a surgical procedure performed anywhere along the spine, from the top of the neck to the base of the lower back. It is carried out by a neurosurgeon with the aim of treating a problem in the neck, upper back or lower back.
Minimally-invasive spinal surgery
This type of surgery involves making small incisions to gain access to the structures being operated on. It can be used for cases such as slipped discs or trapped nerves resulting in back pain and/or sciatica (pain radiating down the back of the leg).
Where this approach can be used, it often results in less muscle damage from the surgery, less scarring, reduced pain following the operation, and a faster recovery time.
Complex spinal surgery
This involves more extensive surgical techniques to treat complex spinal problems. Examples include reconstruction for major spinal deformity such as scoliosis (where the spine twists and curves to the side), and following trauma or vertebral fractures.
Complex surgery is also needed in the treatment of cancers and metastatic lesions (areas of cancer spread) that can arise from other types of cancer.

Spinal Injections


Fusion Surgery

Disc Replacement

Endoscopic and Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

Scoliosis and Complex Deformity Correction
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